How to find Expired Domains with Traffic and Real Visitors

Looking for domains with a strong link authority isn’t a huge deal as a RegisterCompass member because we obtain link information for domains from various services like majesticseo, moz or ahrefs.

Real Traffic and visitor information for a domain is another matter, though, as this is something the owner of the domain is only privy to. External services just estimate the traffic based on keywords and their position in various search engines.

That’s OK for domain auctions which typically have a website online, however once a domain name starts to expire the website is no longer online. Google and other search engines begin to remove URLs from the Index between 4–10 days after it goes offline, depends on the crawler frequency.

No indexed URL = No Ranking = No Traffic to estimate.

What Options are Available to Estimate Domain Traffic?

Semrush Traffic Analysis

Semrush also calculates traffic for a lot of domains based on current keywords and search engine position.

All domains in RegisterCompass are already checked on Semrush Traffic, you will only need a paid membership at Semrush if you want to dig deeper into their data.

A paid membership currently costs $99.95 per month (which must be paid in an annual instalment).

Type-in / Direct Traffic

Keyword domain names like will get a lot of type-in traffic as some users will expect to find an authority website in this market.

In addition, back links to these domains tend to have pretty good anchor texts because the domain name without the TLD is the keyword, so it’s worth it to own the keyword.tld domains in your market.

As a RegisterCompass member you are able to filter for such keyword domains based on the monthly search amounts of the keyword in Google or if the keyword is in the dictionary.

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