Dictionary Domain Names
Rare & Valuable Domains – Search & Find available domains now!
Domain names, particularly those with the .COM extension, which contain only a single word with no hyphens, numbers or fill-in words are known as dictionary domain names. Some examples of these are:
- domain.com
- business.com
- flower.com
- widget.com
The benefits of using dictionary domains are astounding!
They provide you with:
- Type-In Traffic – Most dictionary domains provide you with generic type-in traffic. People will often type the domain name into their browser and visit the site without needing to use a search engine. The names are short and very easy to remember.
- High Value – Dictionary domains have a phenomenal value potential, particularly if they have the .COM extension because they are very easy to remember and visitors are much more likely to visit a site with a shorter URL that is hard to forget.
- Domain Age – The age of dictionary domains also make them very valuable. Most single word domains will already be taken, but they do often expire or are sold in domain auctions. Since they are normally several years old and are constantly registered, they are highly valuable domains.
We Can Help You Find These Valuable Domains!!
There are many factors that are involved in determining the value of a domain. Typically, those that contain the .COM suffix are most valuable, although .ORG and .EDU domains are becoming increasingly popular. You should not, however, simply jump on any domain. There are many common mistakes made when appraising domain names.
Single Word Domains Single word domains which are listed in dictionaries are also highly valuable. Just the use of a short, single dictionary locatable word is one of the most valuable aspects of domains. These are typically a single word that is very easy to pronounce and remember, and preferably a common dictionary listed word. They are typically less than 14 characters in length and ideally contain the .COM extension. Domains such as bike.com and cat.com have sold for millions of dollars in the past few years. They were valuable because they were easy dictionary words and .COM sites.
Spelling While single word domains are typically more valuable, it is important to ensure that these domains are spelled correctly. Chances are, if a domain is improperly spelled, then it will not be a dictionary domain and will be harder for visitors to remember. Misspellings and abbreviations are commonly used and can prove to be much less valuable than correctly spelled domains.
Keeping It Simple Typically domains which contain hyphens and other characters that are not found on a standard keyboard are also deemed to be virtually worthless. Domains containing phrases that are trademarked may also not be worth your while. It is important to determine which domains are dictionary listed, spelled correctly and otherwise valuable domains before you invest in them in regard to both time and money.
Although the consensus would have you to believe that all the .COM dictionary words are already taken, this is simply not the case. These domains are much more valuable, but many are expired or expiring soon and can prove to be very lucrative if you can find them.
We can help you by searching all expiring, expired and auction domains in six different language based dictionaries:
- English
- German
- France
- Italian
- Spain
- Dutch
Our Database currently contains 75,911 dictionary domain names that are waiting for you!
Get them now before someone else does!